Chaquira Nierikas - Huichol Art - Marakame

Nierikas of Chaquira

At Marakame we work with eight Wixaritari - Huichol - artists who make especially large-format pieces with glass beads imported from the Czech Republic on wooden circles, sometimes pressed with epoxy glue, other times with traditional logwood wax.

Each of these circles encodes ceremonial and spiritual narratives, linked with patterns of figures and color that characterize the Wixárika worldview: animals, vegetation, the stars and the gods that speak to us the truths of the cosmos..

In this space we present some of the most representative ones due to the quality of the visionary art captured in them, as well as the size of the work. If you want to see more works available, click here.

120 cm. diameter

beads huichol art circle

beads huichol art circle and its indigenous artist



huichol art beads circle fine artworkhuichol art beads circle fine artwork

160 cm. diameter

huichol art beads circle fine artwork

huichol art beads circle fine artwork

244 cm x 122 cm.

huichol art beads circle fine artwork